To The One Who Didn’t See my Worth

A/N: This letter is for the one in my team who didn’t see my worth. The one who unnecessarily used displacement on me, the one who gaslit me, and the one who made my life more difficult this school year. Yes, this one is for you.

WordPress Daily Prompt#15

Write about a time when you didn’t take action but wish you had. What would you do differently? A/N: My answer is going to be about my experience at work and it’s going to get ugly. So, if you’re looking for something positive and happy, skip this one. “Just a reminder that you are notContinue reading “WordPress Daily Prompt#15”

Dear B: The Last Seven Minutes

A/N: Dear reader, I am in a fragile state tonight and by that, I meant, I am overthinking and found myself still thinking about B. And I needed to let this all out before it consumes me.

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