January 31 – My Favorite Part of the Month

I think my favorite part of this month is that I get to start again. I know I am still healing and trying to be happy again. Sometimes, I fall short and there are still moments when I cry but I guess that is how I process everything that happened to me back in 2022.Continue reading “January 31 – My Favorite Part of the Month”

January 30 – Something New To Try

I would like to try and get more sleep at night so I do not wake up tired. I know it’s difficult but I would like to try that and see what happens. This way, I would be prioritizing myself, my wellness, and my health. While we’re talking about something new, I want to alsoContinue reading “January 30 – Something New To Try”

January 29 – One Thing I Will Always Do

One thing I will always do is to be grateful. I have been practicing being grateful every day of my life and I feel better. Of course there are days when I feel like crap and I get broody or irritable, but I do practice being grateful and I would like to always do it.

Celebrating a Milestone

I remembered starting a blog from another site back when I was in high school because my favorite celebrities Ala Paredes and Bianca Gonzalez have such great blogs with really raw, honest, colorful, and picture-filled contents. I aimed for that when I was in high school, but since, back then, our household had no desktop,Continue reading “Celebrating a Milestone”

January 28 – Thoughts about Today’s Events

Banning of Books I HONESTLY do not understand the concept behind banning certain books. Like, do these legislators even read, understand and comprehend the books they have deemed “inappropriate” and therefore “banned?” Or do they just do this because the plot, storylines, characters, main idea, etc etc of the books they seek to ban justContinue reading “January 28 – Thoughts about Today’s Events”

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